Being Cellfish
Stuff I wished I've found in some blog (and sometimes did).
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You never know what the users mean
A couple of days ag Elon Musk tweeted (it's still called that, right?) about how their recommendation algorithm easily can get things wr...
Yet another reason to love Go: math/rand/v2
With the recent explanation of how math/rand evolved into math/rand/v2 I got reminded why I first fell in love with Go . Design decisions ...
Go for C# developers: defer is not IDisposable
When using an IDisposable object in C# you have some pretty clear expectations on when that object is disposed. While the same thing is tec...
Rant over a sloppy scammer
Occasionally I come across some really good scam attempts. But most of the time I'm surprised at how bad scams are presented. Let's ...
Testing a periodic worker
I came across somebody that was asking about how to test their code. They had a function that would do certain work at short intervals and t...
Using soft limits to prevent abuse with good user experience
When you develop a service you will probably run into a situation where you want to put in some arbitrary large limit on something to preven...
OKR mistakes and how to avoid them
Using OKRs is popular at a lot of companies and has become a golden standard for a lot of companies. But just like how companies start their...
Go for C# developers: LINQ
When I worked in C# I loved LINQ . I also probably used it more than I should have. I have recently looked into some options to bring LINQ t...
Go for C# developers: Unicode strings
There are a few gotchas with strings in Go if they contain unicode characters.
Go for C# developers: Using keywords as identifiers
It doesn't happen very often but sometimes there is a variable name that makes sense that happens to be a reserved word in the language....
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