
Who is writing this?
  • I have one wife, one son, one daughter and one dog.
  • I have a MSc in Computer Science from the university of Uppsala, Sweden.
  • I am a Software Engineering Manager at Google.
  • I am a 2nd lieutenant in the Swedish army.
Some of my past achievements:
  • I was born in 1973 in Sweden.
  • I was one of the founders and CTO of a small company in Sweden.
  • I was a certified Scrum master that never cared to pay for renewal.
  • I used to work at:
    • Microsoft where I worked with Unix, Robots, Xbox and distributed systems.
    • Ericsson where I worked on security and a distributed cloud solution.
    • Google where I worked on Cloud SQL and Gmail spam protections.
    • Outrider where I worked on planning for autonomous vehicles.