
Tail Recursion and C#

Tail recursion is a powerful optimization since it typically improves both execution time and memory usage for recursive calls. It can also be your enemy if you forget about it.


Logical task combinators

When I had to use Erlang for the very first time it was a brand new language and I was in collage. Back then Erlang did not have a logical not function so we had to define our own in order to make our code readable. At least given the knowledge me and my lab partner had at the time. So the other week I had a deja vu moment since I had a Task<bool> that I wanted to negate. At first it felt real weird and I ended up solving my problem in a different way. But then I started to think.


Comparing two null objects

Maybe it is my experience with databases but I have always thought that whenever you compare something with null it is always false. Obviously there are some exceptions.


Hashtable vs ConcurrentDictionary

Historically I've seen the Hashtable be favored over ConcurrentDictionary with the assumption that is was more efficient allowing for lock free reads. Well they both allow lock free reads so which one is really the better option?